I'm a Law Student at Washburn University School of Law. I've just finished my first year, so I guess that makes me a 2L. I have a policy of never discussing grades with my colleagues, because I think it plays into some of the worst aspects of law school society. Some of them may end up reading this. For that reason, you won't see any discussion of those matters on here. Suffice to say I'm satisfied with my grades and class rank.
Now, on to the point: Because I am a glutton for punishment, I am taking summer classes. Because I also believe in squeezing the juice out of life, I have taken a truly formidable amount of student loans and decided to take those summer courses in Europe. I'm going to be gone for seven weeks. Six of those will be spent at the University of Utrecht, in the Netherlands, taking courses in International Law. I will have weekends, which will most likely entail some degree of adventure. The seventh week is my own; I intend to vagabond around Europe, by myself, my only companions a laptop, camera, and such kindly wireless hotspots as may aid a weary traveller on the dusty trail. I will essentially be a techno-hobo.
And you all get to watch!
This blog will be periodically (hopefully every two to three days, more often during that last stretch) be updated with posts and pictures. That is, up until I'm murdered by gypsies (that last part's for my mom.)
Anyway: I fly out of Kansas City on Thursday morning. I arrive in Utrecht on Friday morning. Coverage will be intermittent at best. I probably won't be able to post pictures of the airports, since that's a swift way to get the TSA searching your body cavities, confiscating your toothpaste, and possibly waterboarding you.
Here is a picture of me, pre-gypsy-murder:

If you find some time to spend on vacation, after University, go to Croatia. You will spend a very good time and get a party of your life, maybe with your friends.
be good, be nice, be well.
Don't make the blog *too* interesting.
Have commenced following.
Awesome man. Have a good time.
Hi Nathan! I'll be watching your blog from Wichita and enjoying your trip vicariously. Remember...be careful! You're not in Kansas any more!
Oh this should be an adventure, but you have created hell for your other 2 siblings as our mother will worry herself about you and put all of her energy into meddling with our lives...just remember, paybacks are hell.
On another note. If I was you I would definitely try and visit Ireland and Germany (as I am geography challenged I have no idea the relationship of the countries in Europe). But they both seem to have possibilities of good drinking holes and pubs. That would be my perfect trip, trying as many new beers as possible. Think about it...
Glad to hear you arrived in one piece. Good thing there were several students with you. Please refrain from the gypsy references....make me nervous. Have fun but not too much. MOM
Really enjoyed the pics and the commentary. Will look forward seeing/hearing more.
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