Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I have the feeling these wouldn't fly in America...


Anonymous said...

Hey. Nice to see you're still well. I have two questions:

1. Why are you fixing computers?

2. Why wouldn't they fly in America?

I am well, myself. Sleeping WONDERFULLY.

The Wyzard said...

1. Because my prof sent out an email for any student to come fix his computer, and was going to pay well, and also buy that student dinner. I know enough computers to estimate it was just some fiddly thing with the software he doesn't understand because he's, uhh, over 30, basically. So, very small investment for a good return, both in measureable remuneration and in goodwill from a faculty member.

2. Kinda racist. I know, you don't pick up on this stuff, but we're super-picky about stereotype stuff in the states. It's a dog-whistle.